Anem al laboratori

Elaborem un simulador de l'aparell digestiu

Comencem l'experiment

Posem el globus al tub de plàstic.

Ja està. Fet!

Mireu com funciona.

El tel de ceba

Amb molt de compte n'extraem una mostra per poder-la observar al microscopi.

Evaporem l'aigua

Utilitzem unes pinzes per no cremar-nos

dissabte, 29 de març del 2014

Torricelli's barometric experiment

  • Watch the video:


 Torricelli performed his celebrated experiment on argento vivo [quicksilver, i.e., mercury], in Florence in spring 1644. Torricelli filled a glass tube, open at one end, with mercury. Then, closing off the open end with a finger, he tipped the tube upside down and lowered it into a basin containing more mercury. He observed that the column of mercury descended only partially, stopping at a height of around 76 cm. Torricelli was convinced that the space created by the descent of the mercury in the tube was empty, and that the force holding up the column consisted of the pressure exerted by the air on the mercury in the basin. In a letter to Michelangelo Ricci of June 11, 1644, Torricelli declared that his experiment proved two fundamental concepts: first, that Nature did not abhor the void; second, that the air had weight. The results of the mercury experiment opened a period of revolutionary change, forcing a re-examination of doctrines accepted for centuries.
  •  Observe the picture and learn
  • Explain the experiment


dijous, 27 de març del 2014

El Kuais: les cames

Treball del cos a P3

dissabte, 22 de març del 2014

La visita d'en Josep

Periods – What are they? (Menstrual cycle)

This activity is the last part of a project, called “Women, hormones and applications”.

We introduced the topic with a text about the menstrual cycle and some hormones. This task is extended with a video where more hormones are mentioned. We talked about them and answered some questions.

Finally, the students have to elaborate their project, a triptych about one contraceptive method (either hormonal or non-hormonal) in order to show it to the rest of the class, as you can see in this link.

dijous, 20 de març del 2014

Cell organelles

  • Listen the cells songs

Living cells are divided into two types - procaryotic and eucaryotic

Eucaryotic Cell



    Now, in groups of three, make your own model and show it to your classmates.

    dimecres, 19 de març del 2014

    Els animals dels Ports, amb Vicent Pellicer

    El Kuais: les mans

    Treball del cos a P3

    Projecte "Els castells"

    Realitzat per l'alumnat de P5

    I ara psico fem torres

    dissabte, 15 de març del 2014

    Spaguetti tower: a race against the clock

    Learning Goals:

    • Engineering for structural strength
    • Creative problem solving
    • Determining variables and controlling them
    • Team work
    • Time management

     Learning outcomes

    • Some shapes and materials are stronger than others.
    • Weak materials can be made stronger with good design techniques.
    • Distribution of mass is an important consideration when building structures.



    The architects and engineers have to design it carefully so that it is safe and ful ls the required purpose.

    • Read the instructions: "A race against the clock".
    • Read the hints and tips below
    • Practice.
    • In your groups sketch, discuss and try ideas.

    A race against the clock:

    • You will be given a limited supplies of materials materials and set the challenge of building as high a tower as you can in a limited time: 30 minutes
    • Materials: spaguetti (50 g/ team) and marshmallows (25 g/team).
    The spaghetti provides the framework and support for the tower and mini marshmallows are used to make the connectors. Pieces of spaguetti may be broken into desired lenghts.
    • Team size: three.
    •  Rules:
              1. Only the materials provided may be used.
              2. The highest tower at the end of the class will be the winner.
              3.Once time is called a full minute will be waited before teacher measures height. This is to ensure tower stability.
              4. The judge's decision in all matters is final!

     Hints and Tips

    • There will be most strain on the base of the tower – think about how you can add strength here.
    • The more the marshmallow can grip the spaghetti, the stronger the joint.
    • If you don’t use pieces of equal length on each side, your tower may start to twist and topple
    • Use shorter pieces of spaghetti or put in braces to strengthen squares and rectangles in your structure. 

    2.-The challenge and the winning  

    3.- Afterwards


    • What was the biggest challenge you faced? How did you overcome it?
    • What things put a limit on how tall your tower could be?
    • How do you think you worked as a group? Did you assume different roles?


    • What building techniques make the tower stronger?
    • Does the size of the base alter the strength of the tower?
    • Does the placing of the marshmallows affect the strength of the tower?

    dijous, 13 de març del 2014

    El sacrifici "halal"

    L'alumnat de tercer d'ESO va escriure un reportatge "La dietètica de la religió" sobre el "halal" i kosher", dues maneres de menjar i preparar-lo d'acord amb la doctrina de la religió musulmana i jueva.
    Ara, i aprofitant l'article que ha sortit a "El Periodico", el 10 de març, a la secció de societat, titulat "Els veterinaris britànics volen prohibir el "halal" han aprofundit sobre el tema i ens manifesten la seua opinió.

    Els podeu escoltar en el següent vídeo.


    dissabte, 8 de març del 2014

    El Kuais: els braços

    Treball del cos a P3